“Green Woman”
I am very proud of this paper, which I hand made by layering pressed pieces of fresh oak leaf lettuce, grown in my own backyard, with pieces from a biodegradable egg carton. I painted the face in liquid chlorophyll, and the foliage framing the face I made from raw silk (noil), which I dyed with various concentrations of freshly extracted kale juice (very rich in minerals) and then sewed onto the paper.
My Green Woman is intended as the feminine form of the “Green Man,” a pagan personification of fertility and rebirth (the feminine aspects of Nature), recognizable in Christian, Jewish, and Islamic art as well as in the art of many other religions. The Green Man’s worldwide presence in art and architecture spans many eras: Romanesque, medieval, Gothic, Renaissance, Victorian, and beyond, to present day.
The chemical element symbols for the four positively charged electrolytes in the human body – potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) – form the north-south, east-west axes of the Green Woman’s compass wreath.
Though not clearly perceptible in the design, the Green Woman’s face is represented ad quadratum, i.e., in this case, formed of a cross (compass) through an oblique square in a circle.
At the center of the Green Woman’s forehead is an ancient alchemical symbol for phosphorous (which also happens to be the trademark for Mercedes Benz). The word “phosphorous” was originally synonymous with the power of human thought. In the original Greek myth of Prometheus, it was not fire that Prometheus stole from the gods but phosphorous, which enabled humans to think freely. In the Biblical book of Genesis, Lucifer, whose name means “light bearer,” is the counterpart of Prometheus. The mineral element phosphorus has been proven to be biochemically vital to many brain functions. It is also very important for calcium metabolism, especially in women.
The Bitter Best
– Mary Jo Magar –
Despite an often bitter world of green
As envy and biliousness of greed,
We all could use more greens from well soiled seed
To mineralize our bodies, to wean
Our tastes from modern, corrupted cuisine.
Blood’s red is from iron, yet when we bleed,
It is chlorophyll transfused from our feed;
Indeed, our life blood is bitter, saline.
Ah, but we are not livestock loose to graze!
We are humans, foragers, yes, but now
We are “civilized;” hence, the raw food craze
Can dampen metabolism – how?
By lack of warmth; so much better to braise
Than to eat too much raw, as though a cow.
Minerals are of primary importance to plant life because plant life feeds us all, including itself. The old adage, “We are what we eat” simply means that we can only be as healthy as the food we eat, which begins with plants, which need richly mineralized soil to grow so that they can provide animals and the human animal with minerals, either directly or through consumption of other animals that have consumed plant life as feed.
Even the slightest deficiency of a particular mineral can not only imbalance other minerals in the human body, but make one feel downright unwell. I know this from personal experience, and other people, especially women of all ages, also know this, though what is unfortunate is that they may not know that they know.
Blood tests and hair analysis, which are supposed to reveal balance / imbalance within a body, too often result with inaccuracies. This might be forgivable were it not that such tests are expensive, stressful, and singularly relied upon for important information (and thenceforth diagnoses and treatment).
All too common is the scenario of having the beginnings of a mineral or vitamin deficiency, which is affecting the body’s overall health, but which does not show in the results of a laboratory test. By the time the deficiency does show from a test, the deficiency is severe enough (even if it appears “borderline” in print) that only a supplemental approach can remedy the problem whereas, caught earlier, a dietary approach might well have worked naturally, efficiently, and quickly.
On my menu page titled Swing Trading, I have written about how I use pendulum dowsing to trade the stock market. I also use pendulum dowsing to check my body’s mineral and vitamin levels (and hormone levels) periodically and have found the results to be reliable and accurate and confirmed by laboratory tests.
Dowsing – a versatile, valuable practice that anyone can learn – is the accessing of subtle information, such as the vague beginnings of a deficiency, which, at a point in time or space, is beyond the scope of conscious determination or measurement. Of course, dowsing itself is a form of conscious analysis, but because its directive is the unconscious (the known unknown), its approach differs from other forms of analysis, such as lab tests, which are limited by physical laws.
Personal experience has invariably shown me that skeptics of dowsing have never, themselves, earnestly tried to dowse nor have they ever witnessed a skilled dowser in action.
Much good information on medical dowsing and dowsing in general can be found on the Internet.