“Time is of your own making;
its clock ticks in your head.
The moment you stop thought
time too stops dead.”
– poem by sixth-century philosopher Angelus Silesius –
Now: Time’s Waiver
By quantum physics
Now is then,
Tomorrow is here,
There is no when;
The hands of time let go their measure,
Make peace of war,
Pain of pleasure,
Free life’s joys from their sorrow,
Here today,
Gone tomorrow,
And by progression
Repeat regress
To prove the hours we let digress
Into days, months, and years,
Distracting laughter,
Wasted tears,
All to sense a sweetness sour
In pointless dread – the eleventh hour
When true revelation comes too late:
We invert the past to anticipate.
Events seem given to NOW by theft
When in truth time flies to where it left.
– Mary Jo Magar –