Alaskan king crab fishing is among the most dangerous jobs
in North America. Bitter weather, long hours of treacherous working conditions, with demanding physical labor in cumbersome clothing, and the icy Bering Sea itself are bravely endured for the most desirable seafood in the world: king crab.
Catch of the Day: Fish of Many Names
How full the days with mundane chores;
The tide is out before it’s in;
Time runs dry as drudgery pours;
Leisure ends too soon to begin.
Time for fishing?
There’s a catch:
Neither time nor bait needed.
Catch the meaning all around;
Catch a whiff in every breeze;
Catch the music in every sound;
Catch this moment’s perfect ease!
Catch that cold needed to humble
Overwork and too much worry;
Catch life’s ball, even to fumble,
Then catch a breath to stop the hurry.
Eavesdrop to catch an opinion;
Open books to random pages;
Catch as can from any dominion;
Reel in well wisdom of ages.
Catch here and there and in-between,
Fish are many and everywhere;
Never mind the seas unseen,
Timely catch is by timeless dare.
– Mary Jo Magar –